Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fat and 49

I am 49 years old. Mostly, I adore my life. I have the most wonderful husband (for 25 years!), a healthy, smart, terrific daughter, a great house... and PETS! 4 dogs, a horse, chickens, a stray cat that sneaks into the garage and a canary. I like my job(s.) My life? It is just blessed. My biggest problem is extra poundage. Rolls of fat, to be exact. Look at my CHINS. No one really needs more than one, do they?

On March 31 I will turn 50. And 50, by any ones account- is a VERY BIG DEAL. Today, taking a post-Christmas nap, it came to me. I don't want turn 50... fat. So I am embarking, publicly, on a "more fit at 50" campaign. I don't want to do anything crazy, like fast for days on end, but I do want to lose some tonnage and change the way I eat and move between now and then. Dr. Laura Schlesinger (love her or hate her, she has some sound ideas!) says that the trick to managing weight is to "eat less, move more." That idea resonates with me, and I am going to put it in action starting tomorrow.

At the present time I am a basically healthy person. I have problems with: poor circulation in my left leg after traumatic damage to my Achilles tendon and surgery to repair it and some heart burn issues that concern me. My blood pressure is a bit higher than it should be. At almost 50 I am staring harder at my mortality than ever before. More than I fear death, I fear INFIRMITY. I don't want to be stuck in a wheel chair or a nursing home in my old age. I think losing weight will help me to live my life longer and healthier and with more zest and feist.
I am rich in so many blessings... my curse is the fat I carry. And I can fix that, if I try. I just need to try. Bringing my efforts public might help me. I could use some support. And some people who want to join me by enriching their lives by losing the weight that is holding them down.
Care to join me on my journey? You need not be turning 50... any age will do. Let's get more fit. Eat less. Move more. Feel better. Live longer, richer, healthier, happier. December 27Th is the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Daryl,

    I applaud you doing this in the open. I support you and shall Nag you if necessary! I love you as you are, but share your feelings about the extra weight. YOu can do this and as always I will tell you YOU ROCK!
