Thursday, January 28, 2010

Making choices...

I am not thin yet. Darn. But I am proud of myself for gaining confidence each day in the fact that I can make healthy choices. Today I really wanted a greasy hamburger from the convenience store down the street. Instead I came home and had leftover chicken and rice curry that I made. It was delicious and satisfying. Except... when I was done I wanted something sweet. I scoured the cabinets, pondered whipping up a batch of cookies, then had an apple. It was terrific, and I am so happy with my choice. I feel I am making positive steps and I am confident that soon I will be able to buy new jeans in a smaller size. That will be sweet!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baked goods...

It has been a week of baked good over loads and dieting lapses. Undetered, I am back on track and hope to report in with better news tomorrow. *deep sigh*

Sunday, January 17, 2010

OK! I am down 5 lbs. My rings and my jeans are both feeling loose. This is a good start! (The husband is down 9 lbs. Shooting him is still on my mind.) I definitely need to increase the exercise. That is proving to be challenging with the cold and ice and such, but I am going to try to be more creative.

Meanwhile, I continue to feel quite motivated. GO me!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


YES! After several discouraging days, the scale settled in on 4.8 lbs. lost. It has been a maddening up and down affair, but I feel the difference in my clothes and how my rings fit, so I am claiming those first pounds to be GONE. Buh-bye!

I am finding some coping tricks that seem to be helping me:
1. Hot tea- I like herbal tea, it comes in a zillion flavors, and it takes me a long time to sip a cup. When I am done I feel more satisfied and fuller. Not as satisfied as if I'd eaten a plate of cookies, but not bad!
2. Brushing my teeth immediately after eating. When I was a kid my mom baked a dessert for us most nights. Even then, it was the highlight of my day! Definitely a foreshadowing of things to come. Anyway, as soon as I finish any meal, and yes, I mean breakfast and lunch, too, I want something sweet. I discovered that if I brush right after I eat, that sweet craving dissipates. Very interesting.
3. Indulging in a little harmless fantasy... what would it be like to buy clothes because I LIKE them, and not JUST because they FIT? Oh... I'd like to find out!

Monday, January 11, 2010

I could just shoot him!


My husband started dieting a week after I did. He's lost about 6 pounds already. And he CHEATS! My scale wobbles up and down between 3-4 lbs. lost, and yesterday it said I'd gained a pound OVER my starting weight. Now that is just WRONG, on SO many levels. Dieting with a man makes me curse being female! I am not going to be discouraged. In fact, I am going to go for a walk! Right NOW.
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Choices and obstacles...

I just took my first ever tele class. It was hosted by author Patty Digh and David Robinson. They are creative partners and you can learn more about them at:

They were talking about how we set up intentions, (in my case, becoming more fit) and then how our choices help us to succeed or fail. I am going to listen to the class again, but one thing that I took away from this that I find helpful is that how one forms their intention can affect the outcome. For instance, if I started this fitness adventure by saying, "I am going to lose 65 lbs. by the end of the year," I am framing my desire in a fairly negative way, and setting myself up for failure from the start. Losing 65 lbs. is a lofty goal, and one that I obviously have not been successful at in the past. However, in this case, I set my goal up in a positive frame work. "I want to be more fit at 50."

The other interesting thing they said was that all goals have obstacles. And we can either resist meeting that obstacle, or embrace it. No one loves obstacles, right? But the point made was that learning and change happen when we finally embrace and meet that obstacle.

This was timely information, because I am entertaining guests for dinner tonight, and I made a batch of very delicious brownies for dessert. And this morning, after a healthy breakfast, I ATE TWO BROWNIES. Big ones. I enjoyed them immensely, but have been beating myself up all day over it. Judging myself, and badly.

Patti and David suggested that rather than judge, I learn from my experience. So, I am shifting focus. I am going to NOT keep brownie mix in the house, I am going to have the lowest calorie lunch on the planet to make up for my high calorie indulgence, and I am going to go take a longer walk than I had planned. This is a tiny change in my attitude, but I am embracing that change, not kicking myself any further, and looking forward to how I tackled the next obstacle in my path.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Some toys are not much fun...

Yo yo's might be fun toys, but the yo yo motion on the scale of someone wanting to see only a downward trend can be maddening! Yesterday, down 4. something pounds. Today, up 1. something. I will be patient, I will be patient, I WILL be PATIENT.
Hopefully tomorrow the yo yo will be on a downward spin.

I am finding the livestrong site to be very helpful in tracking the foods I eat. There is definitely an added incentive of seeing what my intake looked like at the end of the day. I continue to feel quite inspired. You?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Positve Steps...

Today's positive steps:
I signed up on They have a place where I can type in anything I eat, and it keeps track of calories. I can also keep track of exercise and calories burned. I will go for a nice walk today, probably not too fast due the icy roads, but I'll go just the same. It's all good!

My other positive step for the day was to sign up for an on line fitness program with Johnathan Roche. I am interested to see what that turns out to be like!
(learn more at

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today's exercise plan: shovel snow. Lots and LOTS of snow. It is up to my knees. I already shoveled the deck and the small front walkway. Much more to come.

Today's weigh in was far happier... I am down 4.5 lbs. from my start date. This is very encouraging!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Ahh... the yo yo's of dieting. Down two pounds, then today, mysteriously, back up.
And I didn't do anything evil, either. I am not losing heart! It's a fluke. It's moon spots, retained fluid,a hormonal tidal surge. I'm having my yogurt for breakfast. Tomorrow is another day, entirely. (Stoopid scale!)

Friday, January 1, 2010

On this first morning of 2010 I woke thinking of yummy things to cook. And eat. Corn bread? Muffins? Pancakes with butter and syrup? Coffee cake with brown sugar and nuts? I was obviously hungry! Instead of indulging in any of the sweet treats I was imagining, I mixed up granola with apple cider, a sliced apple and some pecans. Microwaved it till hot... and had a delicious, soul satisfying and healthy meal. A good choice, a good way to begin 2010! Happy New Year!